Field test

Be a professional pioneer

ACER has been exploring more authentic methods by which teachers can demonstrate how they meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the highly accomplished level. Practicing teachers have participated in this process.

ACER is now seeking teachers interested in field testing these new methods for assessing teacher performance. The Portfolio Project has reached the stage where we can test these innovative methods for their feasibility and their credibility with teachers.  

The ACER Portfolio Project team has developed guidelines for four entries for primary teachers and four entries for secondary science teachers that a teacher might enter into their professional portfolio. Each entry provides a clear structure and scaffolding that greatly assists teachers in gathering evidence about their teaching as well as analysing and reflecting on that evidence.

We are seeking primary and secondary science teachers who would be interested in preparing just one of the professional portfolio entries.

The first entry is based on samples of student work over time. The second and third are based on video recordings and the fourth is based on documented accomplishments in the wider school community.

Participating teachers will be provided with guidelines for uploading their entries on to the Portfolio Project website. We anticipate that preparing an entry would take place over a period of three to four months. We are seeking four teachers to complete each of the entries.

Participants who complete an entry will receive an honorarium and a certificate of participation